Join the first Polo event in Romania and experience the thrill of a noble sport, enjoying all the facilities offered by Singureni Manor.
1700,00 lei
Enjoy access to the Food & Beverages area, where you will experience a unique culinary adventure crafted by the Singureni Manor team. Alongside a complimentary Welcome Drink, you also have the opportunity to secure a seat in the grandstand, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the excitement of the competition. Access is granted from 2 PM onwards.
Join the first Polo event in Romania and experience the thrill of a noble sport, enjoying all the facilities offered by Singureni Manor.
Start date: octombrie 11, 2024
End date: octombrie 13, 2024
Start time: 14:00 EET
End time: 19:00 EET
Venue: Singureni Manor, Polo Village
Coordinates: 44.2102, 25.9007
Phone: +40 746 289 029